Mosquito Trap

Make a Difference

Vloggers Attitude

O programa Vloggers Attitude capacita adolescentes a discutirem diversidade e aprimorarem suas habilidades em fotografia e criação de vlogs.

Dia Mundial da Água

Atividades em bibliotecas conscientizam sobre o uso responsável da água, promovendo aprendizado interdisciplinar e a importância da conservação dos recursos hídricos.

Healthy Living

Please see below what was on our plate for Healthy Living Month.

Makers na Feira Capital Estudante

Contando com atividades de Makey Makeys, Snappy Circuits, Osmos, entre outros.

Youth Innovation Camp

There are great ways for kids to spend their time off from school.

Oficina de Arduino

Equipe do CTJ participa de workshop de introdução a Arduino e Kano, capacitando-se para oferecer atividades maker inovadoras e educativas.

Google Cardboard:

Apps to Boost Program Design and Learning

CTJ Youth Innovation Camp

Young Entrepreneur Day

Paper Month

Maio trouxe muita cor, animação e aprendizado mão na massa para os nossos Resource Centers .

Families that make together ...

What the parents might not expect.

Ensinar a Programar

Qualquer um pode programar!

Earth Day - Maker Activities

Students creatively explored recycling by crafting useful items from waste, fostering environmental awareness and hands-on learning

Webinar on Creating Stories with littleBits

Discover how LittleBits can transform makerspaces into vibrant hubs for creative learning and innovation.

Making Makers in the Language Classroom

Integrating technology with hands-on activities and promoting innovative, student-centered learning experiences!

Squishy Circuits for Saint Patrick's Day

In a demo at TED U, AnnMarie Thomas shows how two different kinds of homemade play dough can be used to demonstrate electrical properties by lighting up LEDs and spinning motors.

How to Make Your First Wearable Circuit

Making simple wearable circuits is usually a big hit in makerspaces. Ready to try?

How to Make your First Electric Car

Looking for a challenge today? How about building your own car?

The Maker Movement in English Language Schools

I have been asking many people the very same question, and the answers share something in common. Can you guess what the question is?

Brown Bag Challenge
