Star Light, Star Bright, First Star I See Tonight.

Discover this shiny new Maker Project!

Strengthening Public School learning Experience

What makerspaces in the world have in common?

Atividades em Resource Center - March - Resource Centers Activities in Março

In March, our makerspace and libraries across Brasília engaged the community with dynamic STEAM and cultural programs, fostering creativity, collaboration, and immersive English learning experiences.

Thomas Griggs visita Centro Interescolar de Línguas

Thomas Griggs High School Program bridges cultures and nurtures socio-emotional skills through innovative, hands-on learning experiences.

Strengthening BNC Network

Empowering Brazil's Binational Centers through collaborative learning and innovative programming in the Achieving 21st Century Skills Project

Maker-Centered Learning in Resource Centers

Exploring creativity and learning through engaging, hands-on activities at Casa Thomas Jefferson's Resource Centers.

Be the Change You Want to See in Educational Settings

Empowering educators with maker skills to build a dynamic learning environment that meets future challenges head-on

Augmented Reality and Wildlife Conservation

Creating augmented reality sketchbooks at Casa Thomas Jefferson brought English learning to life with hands-on activities focused on environmental awareness.

Rube Goldberg Machine

Building a Rube Goldberg machine is a fun and creative way to engage students in STEAM activities, sparking curiosity, collaboration, and hands-on learning.

Youth Innovation Camp - 2016

The Youth Innovation Camp 2016 empowered young minds to explore the world of coding, prototyping, and creativity, fostering a maker mindset in a vibrant, hands-on learning environment

Releitura de obras de pintores famosos

O Resource Center da CTJ de Águas Claras celebrou o Dia do Artista Plástico com uma atividade que uniu história da arte e inovação tecnológica.

Soft opening Makerspace Asa Norte

Opening of CTJ's new Makerspace connects community and visitors to American culture and learning through hands-on, interactive experiences.

Training session Campinas and Sorocaba

Collaboration and innovation in focus: CCBEU Campinas and Sorocaba strengthen 21st century skills with hands-on training and mobile makerspace tools.

Virtual Tour - Smithsonian

O Smithsonian Virtual Tour leva os alunos a uma jornada fascinante pelo mundo dos dinossauros, unindo aprendizado digital e atividades práticas para explorar fósseis e a teoria da evolução

Google Apps to Boost Productivity - Module Two - Google Keep and Calendar

O workshop 'Increasing Productivity with Google APPS' capacita bibliotecários e professores a usarem o Google Keep e o Google Calendar para melhorar a produtividade e o equilíbrio entre vida profissional e pessoal.

Storytelling in the Making

Uma sessão de contação de histórias na Casa Thomas Jefferson ganha um toque mágico com o uso de Makey Makey e programação.

Vloggers Attitude

Smithsonian/Maker Activity

Contação de história maker

Storytelling in the making

Para Amplificar

O Seminário Amplifica explora o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação, oferecendo workshops práticos e experiências em makerspaces para desenvolver competências STEAM.

Dribbble Meet Up

O evento homónimo da plataforma mundial Dribbble chegou a Brasília!