document.getElementById('noticias_relacionadas').innerHTML='' +'
' +'Inspiração e aprendizagem com a Dra. Anna Fisher: STEM e exploração espacial em foco no Thomas Maker.' +'
' +'' +'What are you thankful for? Veja a atividade especial de Dia de Ação de Graças promovida pela equipe do Thomas Maker.' +'
' +'' +'In June, Casa Thomas Jefferson Makerspace successfully engaged the local community in an immersive, hands-on experience centered on the works of Jean-Michel Basquiat.' +'
' +'' +'At the 8th World Water Forum, Thomas Maker actively engaged in Green Nation\'s Citizen Village, delivering sessions that combined research, emotional appeal, and practical learning to inspire participants.' +'
' +'' +'Casa Thomas Jefferson\'s Human Library event fosters meaningful conversations to challenge stereotypes and promote social cohesion, highlighting gender equity through the voices of diverse women.' +'
' +'